4 month old red nose missing 4 front teeth

by Rozay

my 4 month old puppy is missing her 4 front teeth and she has been whining her bottom jaw pops a little. i just want to know how to ease her pain i cant afford a vet bill so i have no other option but to see what u think.i just need a second opinion. when will she get her teeth back?

Gale's Reply:

Hi Rozay:

According to this article, your puppy should have a full set of adult teeth by the age of 7 - 8 months. However, I've heard this can vary by breed and individual dog.

As far as her jaw popping, I'm not qualified to give you an opinion on that. And, since you cannot be sure whether it is the teething that is causing her pain or her jaw, I feel you need to get professional advice on this.

There is an online service that is staffed by veterinarians that allows you to name the fee you are willing to pay to have your questions answered. The going rate is between $9 - $15 per incident. I have used them myself and felt very good about the way they performed. It cost me much less than a regular vet visit would have. If this sounds like it might work for you, you can find out more details here.

Comments for 4 month old red nose missing 4 front teeth

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Sep 02, 2010
A little info
by: Anonymous

I am a humane officer in training and the biggest thing we hear is," We didnt have money to get the help." My Opinion on this is if you dont have the money, then you shouldnt of taken the responsibility of owning a dog then. Also though I understand that there are people who fall on hard times with money as I have before. The first thing I can tell you is make sure you check out all your shelters around because some of them have low cost vet clinics. You can also ask the shelters if they know of any place like this. When this has happened to me though I simply called my vet and said something is wrong with my dog I need to get in but can I post date a check or split it up into a couple of payments. My vet has alway said yes even if I couldnt give him money right away. I have been at this vet though for 6 years so they know me and they know i truly care for my dog. It is hard but there is always an option, the dog should never suffer. This is how we end up charging alot of people with animal cruelity depending on how bad the situation is. We also have helped alot of people in this situation though by getting them the help they need and footing the bill because we know the people are honest to goodness people who just need help. You might even want to call your local humane officers and ask if they know of some where that could help you. My point is just be sure to get it checked because if not, you can get in trouble for not seeking help for your dog. I hope this helps you because i know alot of shelters or humane societys do have low cost vet clinics.

Dec 06, 2010
teething puppy
by: Anonymous

Hey your puppy is teething, freeze a wet wash cloth for her to chew on that helps. Any toy that you can freeze too. As for the popping jaw, I think I know what you mean. My dog's jaws do that too, especially when he's jawning but it shouldn't be anything to worry about. Watch it, if it gets worse or it looks like its causing discomfort (other than the teething discomfort) take her to the vet, otherwise I'd say she's okay.

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