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Aug 13, 2010
to Castro's mommy
by: Jay

Thank you for your kind words. I feel Angel was so lonely in a shelter & has been in one most of her life, that she's worth the whole $40 i paid for her. Heck, i'd of paid more, but they didn't even want nothing where i got her. I wouldn't trade her for any amount of money. This is a dog with so much love in her heart, she loves my mom, brother & nephew so much. And my brother's dog, who's almost 3 times bigger than her weight wise, loves to play with her. She still acts so much like a puppy, & makes me laugh every day. I just feel so much love in my heart for her, i am sure God had a hand in sending us to each other. What were the chances of a dog in N. Carolina ending up here in Wisconsin? I feel very blessed to have her & will treat her as she should be treated, with lots of love & hugs & spoiled to no end! She is a ray of sunshine for me since so many days are filled with so much pain from the fibro, but knowing i have her, makes every day so great to wake up. She greets me in the morn like she hasn't seen me for hours, even tho she sleeps on a pile of beds & blankets on the floor or on the bed with me (my old gal can't get up on the bed anymore which breaks my heart but i can't lift her). Anyway, i just think that is so sweet, that she misses me even tho i am right next to her only about 3 feet away! She's a pretty special girl.

Aug 12, 2010
by: Castro's Mommy

Aren't dogs wonderful!? I feel the same way about my "Castro" that you do about your "Angel"!! As a fellow dog lover, I'd like to take time to "thank you" for rescuing this beautiful dog!! : )

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