Apache Warrior, from zero to hero

by Carl Benjamin

Apache Warrior

Apache Warrior

When I was first approached about my dog, he was on his way to be put to sleep for being out of control. He was a very scared and under confident dog due to the fact that he was owned by a heroin addict that just got him for a penis extension.

After two years of love, hard work and patience, I am now the VERY proud owner of the most (in my very biased opinion)loyal, well trained and loving dog any man could own. He is my friend, protector and shoulder to cry on. He would give his life for our family and our friends.

There are far too many people that will denigrate and slander this type of dog, they should all remember there is no such thing as a 'Bad Dog' Just bad owners !!! As I have said to all my friends and family, blame the deed, NOT the breed.

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