Benz is an American Staffordshire Terrier mixed with a Red-nose Pitbull. He is 7 years old and we have had him since he was a puppy. He acts like he still is a puppy,wanting to sit on your lap and play all the time.He is a very energetic dog most of the time.His favorite game is ball, he will chase that ball and keep bringing it back for hours on end,he wont even put the ball down to pee,he does it with the ball hanging out of his mouth. Benz is mostly white with brindle spots and his markings look like he is wearing a tuxedo complete with tails and white gloves. He is a very vocal dog unlike his partner Lexus,with whom he has fathered 32 puppies,now he is neutered. Lexuz is an American Pitbull,she is all brindle and a gentle soul. She is 8 years old and is a little overweight,but very beautiful. Lexus is a quiet dog who only speaks when needs too. Lexus loves to swim,she is our water baby!! She has had 32 puppies with Benz and is now spayed. They can live their old age out together in our home. They are an important part of our family. We love them both dearly. Return to Pitbull pictures archive July 2010. Your donation in any amount can help us reach out to more people who want to know the truth about pit bulls. Thank You for Your Support! Return to Pit Bull Homepage |
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