Best Friend

by Royce Quigua
(Queens, NYC )

My best friend is 1 yr and 2 months. His name is Rocky. Rocky is a red nose pit bull from what I was told by the guy who sold him to me. But I think he is a bully.

He's super smart, funny and just cool. He's 75lbs of pure joy. He's so cute--sleeps like a baby next to me and at times kicks me off my own bed...Lol.

When Rocky knows we are about to take a walk he gets himself ready and starts to stretch. I walk him 4 times a day for at least 1hr every walk. He loves to fetch branches,and run.

He loves meeting new people and playing with his toys. He loves kicking soccer balls around and chasing them down. He is my best friend "Rocky".......!

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Jan 09, 2013
Four Walks a Day!
by: Gale

Wow! Four walks a day for an hour each time. My hat is off to you. Rocky must be in Doggie Heaven. Thanks for sharing.

Jan 13, 2013
Precious ROCKY !
by: Norma Jean

I love your story. I have a red nose pit bull that I rescued from a animal shelter almost 5 years ago. He was only 3 months old then. PEANUT IS the love of my life ! My husband and I have been married 47 years and I love him dearly BUT there is nothing like the unconditional love of a pit or any dog. I am a pit bull advocate and we have been written up in the local paper, Peanut was selected to be sketched by a Facebook group and also he won the honor of PIT BULL EMBASSATOR. I sleep with Peanut and come bed time.....he lets me know. haha Peanut is considered a red nose brintle fawn color. So happy to read about another "pitty" lover !

Aug 18, 2016
Pit Bull Lover NEW
by: Hot&Spicy

Hello I Have 6Wk Old Whoopie Cowboy Mix Blue Nose Her Name Is Hennessey Any Advice On Training Her

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