Blackie the Pitbull

We met Blackie through a friend who could no longer take care of him. We had been looking for a dog for a while and had never considered a pitbull but once we saw him and heard his story we fell in love and he has lived with us ever since. He came from a home where they broke his leg because he went to the bathroom in the house. He was five months old when we got him and we knew we could give him a better life.

Now he is living the life! Sleeping in a Tempurpedic bed, toys all over the place and the love of our lives! He loves playing fetch and running around in the park. He especially loves to chase sticks play in the snow. He runs and runs and runs in circles around our house chasing his ball and one of the funniest things he does is he likes to push his ball under the couch and then try to get it out. He cries and cries until he can get it, but every time we give him a ball he takes it straight over to the couch and pushes it under… I guess he likes a challenge.

He is full of energy and a handful but lucky for us he was easily crate trained and loves to lay in his crate and roll on his belly… I can’t imagine how he is comfortable but he snores away! I think the cutest thing about him is that he loves to cuddle. He will curl up in bed at your feet at night, but my morning he is stretched out next to you, nestling his nose in your neck. It’s the best way in the world to wake up!

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