Blue Pitbull Puppies

by Amber
(San Diego)

I just got two blue pitbull puppies. They r sis n brother from the same litter. Will they be fine with each other when they get older?

Gale's Reply:

Hi Amber

If you are asking whether they will get along as adults because they came from the same litter, the answer is not necessarily. However, opposite sex pairings like you have are generally thought to be more successful than having two pits of the same sex.

As puppies mature into dogs, their tolerance levels for other dogs including each other may change. But, you can influence to a certain extent the degree to which they accept each other and other dogs by being a strong leader and taking them through obedience training.

Here are some great articles from Bad Rap on the subject of managing a household with multiple dogs:

Good luck with your new puppies. May you all bring each other many years of joy.

Comments for Blue Pitbull Puppies

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Apr 09, 2011
Keep and eye on them
by: Carey

Hi Amber!

I actually have one blue APBT from a litter that beat the tar out of him repeatedly, so I can say for sure that litter mates don't always get along. That's how we got him... he was dying and the breeder asked us if we could save him and if so, would just give him to us.

We have a female APBT at home 8 months older that he gets along with fine. However...

...with my male he has grown attached to me and we have problems with him wanting to start fights with the other dogs in our household, including recently the female ABPT when she tried to jump up in the bed with the two of us. Now we have to watch him with ANY dog that comes near me when he is with me.

Keep an eye on things and monitor carefully. Get them into obedience classes. My male has based basic, and intermediate and we are starting advanced in two weeks.

I think the big thing is when they reach a year-- watch it big time. I even neutered my male recently and it has made no difference (as some might suggest).

Good luck! :D

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