
by Kristin
(Fort Campbell, KY USA)

My name is Briana and I'm a punk. I have been with my family since October of 2009 (my 1st birthday is August 2nd) and have let them know who is in charge.

I'm about as stubborn as a dog can be but dad loves me anyway. He calls me his baby girl and has told me that I'm teaching mom patience,whatever that means! I generally don't like to cuddle unless I see another dog in dad's lap, then its game on!

I recently discovered that I can move dirt with my paws. My sister and me are close friends, even though she doesn't know it, I've decided for her.

I love going outside and for walks but I have a problem with this harness idea. I'm sure when the opportunity arrives and its left unattended, I'll take care of that too (and just as mom and dad thought I did just that). Until then, I'll keep my family on their toes and keep teaching mom patience!

PS. Since I can't type myself mom is doing it for me, BOL!

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