Chances a loved dog could turn?
by jacklyn
Hi me and my boyfriend are considering buying a pit off of a friend who breeds them. Both mother and father are on site and have been raised in a loving family environment. I know you can't believe everything you hear and the bad always out weighs the good. I have 3 small children--a daughter 3 and two boys 6 and 7. And my boyfriend also has a daughter who is 3. My concern is even being raised with nothing but love, what are the chances the dog could turn on one of the kids or a family member? I just don't want to be out to dinner one night and get a horrific phone call from the babysitter. Am i just being paranoid or is this not the dog for my family? Please help me.... Gale's Reply: Hi Jacklyn When a dog "turns" its almost always for one of two reasons. One is an organic problem like a brain tumor. The other is some form of maltreatment. That's true for ALL dogs--not just pit bulls. That said, you can love a puppy until you are blue in the face and that will not guarantee that he will grow into a gentle, mild mannered dog that doesn't mind giving "pony rides" on his back. Dogs, like humans, are individuals. Some are more tolerant than others. And, I believe children should be taught to respect that. In that vein, I think you would be better off adopting a mature dog around 3-4 years of age whose basic temperament and attitude towards children are already known. But whether you get a dog or a puppy, (puppies ARE more work) I think the main thing you need to ask yourself is whether you and your boyfriend have the time and energy to provide the elements that make a high energy, large breed dog like a pit bull a joy to live with. Awhile ago, I wrote out a pitbull adoption checklist outlining key factors to consider. Perhaps it will help you in your decision making process. Good luck and thanks for your question. I wish more people would think to ask themselves this kind of thing before they bring home a pit bull. For more information on obedience training, visit our Pit Bull Training page. For help with behavioral problems, check out our Dog Behavior Training page.
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