COLBY!! a.k.a colby jack
by shad bray
HI my rednose is 1yr 4months. I met this lady in the next town over that runs her own pit rescue and she had a friend that had colby and was looking for someone to take him. So we meet up I meet colby and although he was skiddish he had a big baby quality!! The funniest thing he does is he runs with his butt just barely of the ground! I don't know u would have to see it! His quality is he can tell when someone as helpless as a baby starts crying that he wants to know its ok! Very nosey! What we like doing together is prolly running I would say sleeping but its more fun for him than me since he's heavy and always has to lay on me! Return to Pitbull pictures archives December 2009 thru June 2010. Your donation in any amount can help us reach out to more people who want to know the truth about pit bulls. Thank You for Your Support! Return to Pit Bull Homepage |
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