Dog Won't Stop Whining

My dog won't stop whining when it's time to go into the crate.

My 3 year old pitbull/boxer is crate trained and has never had a problem going in his crate when I go to work. I have another dog in the crate next to him for company, they are best friends.

During the past few weeks my pit has been whining and barks when he goes in his crate. The other day he wouldn't go in his crate and stood in front of me with his paws on my shoulders.

Why is he doing this all the sudden? It's like he's scared of the crate now.

Gale's Reply:

Unless he is shaking or cowering, I wouldn't interpret your dog's actions as fear. I think it's more likely that your dog has decided he doesn't like being crated for long periods while you are gone. I think he's trying to distract you from leaving by trying to get you to play with him.

That said, for safety's sake, I'm a big believer in keeping dogs separated when you can't be there to supervise. And crating is one way to accomplish that. If crating is your best option, then you need to address the boredom and frustration factor.

Here are a few ideas:

1. Provide him with some special toys (nothing that would be a choking hazard) that he only gets to play with in his crate.
2. If you can manage it, go home for a play session during your lunch hour. Or have a trusted friend come over half way through your work day and give him a break from the crate.
3. Take him for a vigorous walk before you leave. If he's tired out, he'll be more likely to sleep when you're gone.
4. Play some soothing music while your gone. For example, Through a Dog's Ear, Music to Calm Your Canine Companion Vol. I Audio CD has been clinically proven to help dogs with separation anxiety. It may help your dog to settle down and relax while your away.

Good luck. Please feel free to write back and let us know how things are going with your pittie. Perhaps others will add their ideas here as well.

Comments for Dog Won't Stop Whining

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Oct 01, 2011
Re: Crate, Spot on Gale!
by: Stephanie

That is my check list, walk, kong with peanut butter, crate next to sister, never leave them in too long, classical music while they rest and I am gone.

Thank you for tip on the special CD with doggie music. I just downloaded it on to my computer iTunes. Calming nice music for us humans too.

Apr 10, 2013
Crate trained
by: Robert

I have a 12 week old pit/lab mix and I just stopped putting him in his kennel due to the fact he is getting bigger and that I put him in it when he is bad. I don't want him to think he is always in trouble so I tested him being out while I was gone and 6 hours later he was on the couch sleeping. Nothing was chewed broken nore did he go on the floor.if you do not have a problem with him chewing up if you have a room that is safe put him in the room and see how it goes if all is good then the extra roaming room will help. Most people I know with grown dog leave them in the house and all seems to be fine when they return and dogs are less on the exited side. that is just an idea

My puppy chews shoes and blankets and eye glasses which sucks)

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