Ginger a.k.a. Gingikins!

Gingi's Elvis Face

Gingi's Elvis Face

Ginger is 17 months old Born on May 15, 2009. She is definitely one of a kind! She was the runt of a litter of 9 pups, we saw her being stepped on by her siblings and she looked like such an outcast that we had to have her. She now (i believe) has the best life out of all her siblings!

Ginger has been such a great obedient dog and so easy to train I couldn't ask for more. She has a facebook album with hundreds of pictures so this has made her quite famous amongst the people I know. She's super photogenic and loves to pose for all cameras. Her greatest trick is "Bang Bang" she loves to dramatically collapse after we say those words just for a simple pat on the head or her favorite treat.

Ginger's best quality is her romantic side. She LOVES to cuddle in bed and is a firm believer in pillows. Besides having our cuddle time Ginger Loves to play with my kitties, they run around the house as my CATS chase HER she ends by licking them and joining them in their daily cat naps. She also loves to walk and when i say walk I mean REALLY walk for miles at a time. She's kept me so in shape since I've had her.

I'm currently enrolling her in the Therapy dog program so that she can be a positive example for her breed. She's so great with my grandparents and loves kids so much that I want to share her with everyone that could use a smile. =)

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