
by cara

rip'n up coardboard make'in a mess, and proud of it!

rip'n up coardboard make'in a mess, and proud of it!

(Click thumbnail to see full size image.)

He was 11 but he died :( of numerous things in the heart and abdomen he didn't suffer long though.

In life he was a jerk. it was what he did best, friends called him devil's dog and the like. everybody was scared of him no matter what i said or did.

Really he was a big baby he'd crawl on ur lap not fun at 100 pounds, like to sneaks kisses with his tongue inside ur mouth, the worst suck-up in the world. but he was very aggressive towards everything, made it difficult to take him with us or have people over.

He was a pain but sooo worth it. me and my bro cried when we had to put him down. we had him ten years. although he isn't full pit i think more boxer, he held traits from pitbull and boxer.

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