Harley The Awesome PitBull
by Natalie Mason
Harley is 1 Year Old. My sister Danielle and I got him as a puppy. One day Danielle and I were sitting on the couch watching Animal Planet and Harley came in front of the TV and he was just sitting there watching Pit Boss. And when the TV showed a picture of a pitbull, he would put his paw on the TV screen and just bark at the picture on the screen. And when we turned the TV off he stopped and then we turned it back on and he started barking again. Harley and I like going to the park and playing fetch. We also like going in the swimming pool. Harley is the most cutest pitbull ever. :) Return to Pitbull pictures archive August 2010. Your donation in any amount can help us reach out to more people who want to know the truth about pit bulls. Thank You for Your Support! Return to Pit Bull Homepage |
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