
by Marnan
(South Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)

Just watching The World Go By As I Protect Mom's Car

Just watching The World Go By As I Protect Mom's Car

Harley was rescued by us in August 2005. Her story is that she was found wandering the streets in North Philly with only a harness on. She was taken in by a kind lady who left her in the yard, leaving the harness on, for over a month. She was then taken to PACCA and the harness had grown into her arm-pits.

After surgery, she was put up for adoption...she was about 6/7 months old....she is now a Happy, Silly, Quirky, BARKING FOOL! We Love Her So Very Much...She LOVES her walk, she honestly believes that whoever knocks at the door is for her..usually it's food delivery!

She LOVES her belly rubs but it takes awhile for her to trust you enough to let her scratch her belly or for her to relax. She Saved Us As Much s We Saved Her!

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