Hind Leg Weakness

by Jessica H
(Endicott, NY)

Is hind leg weakness in a puppy serious?

My pitbull is a 4mth female and the runt of the litter. In the last 1-1/2 mths she is having trouble keeping her balance and walking straight. Actually her balance has alwas been alittle off, bumping into things and she can't control her weight. She not oversized. Shes just very clumsy...

I also noticed that her back legs give out on her when she runs or walks, which makes her clumsy. It seems as if her back end is going to fast for her front.

Is this something that is natural and she will grow out of as she gets older or should I be worried? Are the diseases that pitbulls have, that are the cause of her having no control of her back end and the weakness?

Gale's Reply

Hi Jessica

Your puppy definitely needs to be seen by a vet. I am not a vet. But what you're describing does not sound normal at all.

You asked if there were genetic diseases that are common in pit bulls that might account for this. Hip Dysplasia is not uncommon. BUT I'm not sufficiently informed in this area to tell you whether it would manifest in the way you've described in a 4 month old pup.

Ear infections can cause balance problems. But then there's the weakness in her back legs which could be any number of things. She needs to be examined by a professional.

Honestly, I'm wondering what caused you to wait 6 weeks. If finances are an issue, some of the larger humane societies have vet clinics within their facilities that charge less than regular vets.

You might also want to consider signing up for the Pet Assure program. This would give you 25% off your vet bill at participating veterinarians.

Good luck and feel free to post back and let us know what you find out about your puppy.

Comments for Hind Leg Weakness

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Jul 30, 2011
by: Anonymous

This sounds like a very serious situation and this puppy should see a vet ASAP. I would be fairly concerned about a neurological disorder.

Jul 30, 2011
see your vet
by: Katy

I had a pit bull pup who was the runt of the litter too. He had problems with his back legs when he was born and he never liked jumping up or down off of things because of them. He ended up having much more serious problems and I lost him when he was 5 months old from liver and kidney failure caused by a bad heart. I really hope your pup doesn't have the same problems mine did, but get her checked out as soon as possible.

Jul 30, 2011
Go to your Vet!
by: Traci in Texas

My vet is very good about taking payments on things I need done that I cannot pay for in one chunk. They sometimes let me pay it off over a 2-3 month period, if its too pricey. Talk to you vet!!

They can tell a lot from just feeling her hips and knees. They can see a lot from just a couple Xrays.

Tell them UP FRONT that you cannot afford it all at once, and they'll try to work with you!

Don't delay, it could be something serious, or it could be something that can easily be adjusted while she's young and pliable, or it could develop into something life-altering. You really need to know what is going on so you can decide if it is something that needs fixed, or accommodated, or life-threatening!

Jul 30, 2011
Hope everything turns out ok.
by: Anonymous

My baby was 5 years old when he tore his cruciate in his knee, he have surgery, but never really got better. Post your baby's condition when u know.

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