Humans are More Dangerous and Vicious than any Breed of Dog !

by Denise

Dog are the product of their environment, regardless of breed. Just like children are a product of their environment regardless of nationality, race, ethnic group or religion.

How you understand your dog, raise and train it will shape what it becomes as an adult dog. If you treat it like a spoiled furry child that is what you will have as an adult dog. The larger the dog, the more the problems and the higher the risk for a dangerous dog down the line.

On the other hand if you already understand canine and pack order and train and raise your dog with discipline, love, boundaries and its understanding that humans are always the alpha of the pack the odds are you will have a great companion for life that others like as a "nice well behaved friendly dog".

Humans and Canines are both Alpha Predators and have a LOT in common that is why we get along well with our domesticated 4 legged buddies. However, dogs of any breed do not have the capacity for the same type of thought that humans do. Dogs will attack and kill out of instinct to survive and for food. People will attack and kill for the sheer perverted joy of it such as serial killers and others that prey on their fellow humans around them.

A pit bull like any other dog does not plan and plot out who to attack and who maybe to kill. They react out of instinct during the moment at hand and what is going on to them or around them. Therefore I would not say any dog if you understand them and how they should be raised would be more dangerous than a human.

Humans are always the most dangerous of any animal in the animal kingdom because of our brains and abilities others don't have. We make dogs such as pit bulls mean and killers they do not choose to be like that.

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