I'm feeling let down!

by Anonymous

I dream of freedom!

I dream of freedom!

Well as you know the great american pit bull dog has been banned in the U.K. for years now. In the paper today there is a double page spread that lets us know that there is a generation of young people fighting their pits while the dogs are on leash and that there are more pits being left to run the streets after they've been cut up while dog fighting. As these dogs cannot be taken to a vet they are being thrown on the streets.

Of course I live in the real world and I knew that there was still underground dog fighting. and they're telling us in the paper today the pits are pumped with steroids and made to run up to 30 miles a day on a treadmill. The new thing is the fighting on a lead. Now who is protecting these amazing dogs? If you're going to ban a breed make sure you keep up your law and hunt these (dare I say) "people" who have them for the sole purpose of fighting them.

If I were to find a pitbull wandering the streets cut up I couldn't take it to a vet get it fixed up and looked after. But I would rather take the dog to the vet knowing it was going to be put to sleep as I would rather see the dog out of its misery. These great dogs don't want to fight. They want to be our best friend like any breed of dog.

So if you make a law which means that my pet pit can be taken from me and killed not because it has
done anything wrong but because you the politicians say they are dangerous and banned, then protect the breed from the cruelty of the life you have set for them--the underground life.

The police forces know the underground life so well and who is in it and who does what. The fate of the pit bull breed is not high on the list of law breaking and cruelty. I am so mad--so let down because the real reason they don't hunt and bust these dog fighting rings is because the pits are only hurting each other, and are underground out of sight of people. So I want to know who is looking out for these dogs!!!,

oh yeah and the young who are leash fighting their pits are doing it for street cred. I do not in anyway condone breaking a law. But why are these young boys not bare knuckle fighting for their street cred and of course money? I wish we could rumble some noise out here in the U.K. about the real pit bull and the politicians have to ban the breed or allow pit bulls to live like any other dog, like they matter.

I love pit bulls but you are scared to say anything in the U.K. About bringing pit bulls back to Brittan as pets and stopping the fighting of pit bulls. Oh I am sounding so old to the young ones ha-ha. I am young and I am sorry if this is not interesting but this site is the only place that will understand my having to let my feelings out and about how amazing the breed is. Thank you all.

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