Is it a dog or a squirrel?

by MH
(Walnut Creek, CA, USA)

Can somebody please let the squirrel in?

Can somebody please let the squirrel in?

My dog, Bandit, is a 3 1/2 year old German Shepherd/Pitbull mix. He is the second dog I have ever had in my 26 years of life.

He at one time was known as my suicide prevention. But now that I am back on medications for Depression my Bandit has shown me there is more to life than feeling worthless and empty.

We do everything together. We hike, go to the store, go to the lake and spend every day together lounging around when I am not in school.

The costume I chose to dress my Bandit up as a gray squirrel. I feel this is the best costume that suits his personality because he tends to be a little "squirrely" himself in his daily cute actions.

I love Bandit and am happy to be his pet. I feel that my dog should win this contest because I want others to see that this dog is the reason I'm alive today. He gives me reason to leave the house and continue my education.

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Oct 25, 2010
Yep that bandit is squirelly!
by: Your neighbor! Mar

A mighty fine squirrel he makes! Wow, nothing like a dog! Thanks for sharing. Does he go out at night looking for candy? With all these other dogs? In your nightmares!

Oct 25, 2010
by: mh

Thank you for the comment and for your vote :)

Oct 25, 2010
It's a best friend!

Congrats to you on your recovery!My dog is my best friend too!Always there with love! Love the costume!You got my vote!

Oct 24, 2010
Thank you
by: Anonymous

Thank you for the vote. Bandit really appreciates it. ;-)

Oct 24, 2010
by: Anonymous

It's really hard to pick one from all the adorable dogs in the contest but my vote is going to this baby. There's just something very sweet and extra special in his expression.

Oct 09, 2010
Thank you
by: Anonymous

Thank you for your kind words. Yes animals are why I am still here. How do I find your baby girl's page? Im curious to see her cute looks? Thank you again ;)

Oct 09, 2010
So cute
by: Anonymous

Your dog is soo cute!! But what I wanted to say was, congratulations on your recovery and healing down the road. My baby girl is also my sucidie prevention. I ended up a week in the hospital (I committed myself), and a month later, I found my baby girl. She is a certified service animal and goes EVERYWHERE with me, just like your baby boy. again congrats on your healing and recovery, and glad that you are still here!

Sep 26, 2010
by: Anonymous

Thank you for the comments. I found the costume at Target in 2009. :-)

Sep 26, 2010
Pitty want a Peanut?
by: Anonymous

Hey you got a monkey on your back, no wait a minute it's squirrel? I love your dog's smile, what a sweetheart.

Sep 26, 2010
by: Anonymous

I've never seen a squirrel costume -- very original :)

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