Isadora Bubbles at the end of the party

by Bobbi Durston
(Concord, CA)

Izzy and Rowan

Izzy and Rowan

Izzy is an endlessley entertaining girl. She is sweet and brilliant. We call her the evil genius. She can let herself out of crates, unzip purses and make ladders out of dining chairs.

Recently she climbed one of her home made ladders and got the peanut butter. When I came out of the shower she was happily eating it just like a kong in the middle of the bedroom floor. I said " Izzy I think you have had enough" and she happily gave me the rest of the jar.

Izzy came from the worst of circumstances with the friendliest, sweetest disposition of any dog I know. She regularly does childrens events for the Humane Society where I work.

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