It's a dog, but really I don't care
if it was a lion

by Kyle Whincup
(Calgary Alberta Canada)

A dog in general is able to bite but it's up to people to show them not to. I have two pit bulls--one bully breed blue nose and an all American red nose. But really I don't know a thing about a pit bull.

But I can tell U about a dog...because so far I've heard u can't control them, they lock jaw, they hate people they can not be in the same room as another dog. Once they start they keep going and really not one of these are true. They say it's the strongest dog, also not true.

They say a poodle is a fast swimmer a collie as a good herder and greyhounds are fast runners. But people are so ignorant they don't even stop to look. They stop to point and judge. But I can't stress enough that people played God and made a man made breed and man also trained it fight for fun--to attack on sight. So really we made a dog to fight a dog then we kill it again?

Ignorance can kill. So can media--both of those problems are severe. So severe I can even have my dog off leash anywhere. If it runs out of the house i'm so scared. But not for a kid or someone. I'm scared that some one is gonna hit it or shoot it cuz it's a pit bull coming at them. I saw a dog on YouTube the other day. Looks just like my blue nose, Sonny, it ran up to a cop not even barking just waggin his tail. The cop drew his pistol and shot the dog. And this is an every day thing here. We gotta fix this problem before my favoriate breed is no longer.

Few tips on a pitty if u want one. . .Train it as u would train ur pug or huskey or chow chow. Just love it and it will love u. U don't have to cage it just cuz it's a pitty...LOL. And if u do get one make sure ur active. I go out 3 times a week on a bad week with my dogs and they still want more. But yea, all my point to get across is: every problem we complain about is man's fault so deal with the real problem--the owner.

One more thing.....Stop snitchin' on pittys.

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