by tamara

This is JACK-aka Baby J...he is about 2yrs old. I found him at the local animal shelter. He had been hit by a car..the police(THANK GOD FOR THEM)picked him up and rushed to the vet.They payed his bills..but he ended up at the shelter.

He was not given the care or the pills he needed and was not doing very well.He was pretty beat-up when i found him. When i first saw JACK...laying in the back of a cage,dirty,sad,and no hope in his eyes..missing part of his tail,and staples in his legs and cuts everywhere and a sign that said PITBULL STRAY(death warrant) I KNEW HE WAS MY BOY. I could not get him out of there fast enough.

JACK has brought much joy and laughter to my home. Jack has 2 brothers and 2 sisters...I know>>>I'm crazy....about pitties. I try to tell and inform people everywhere i go about this wonderful breed. Its hard because of the BAD PRESS and the picture most people have of this breed without ever really knowing one.

I think its soOOOO...imporant that we keep sharing,telling and fighting for these babies. Get your dogs out to people, write letters and just keep LOVING THEM..GOD Bless .

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