Jenny, My Knight in Shining Orange Fur.

by Erin Murphy
(Bundaberg, Queensland, Australia)

I  love you lots,  I has Bikkie now?

I love you lots, I has Bikkie now?

(Click Thumbnails to See Full Size Image)

Well when i first met Jenny, she was only 5 weeks old. A friend of ours couldn't find a home for her, she had been to 3 other homes before ours. They had taken her to the vets to get her needles and the vet told them that they wouldn't accept her because of her breed.

Well this little orange ball of fur greeted me one morning. My dad told me she was a pit bull and that we couldn't tell anyone what she was, just in case someone reported her and she'd be put down. (In Australia, it is illegal to own or breed pit bulls).

Well as i sat on the couch with this little orange thing staring at me with these big, brown all knowing eyes, my dad piped up and said "lets call her bubba", that's when the name Jenny popped into my head "nah, lets call her Jenny".

Well first things first, introducing her to my Rotty Sammy. (The dog in the middle pic above.)Well it was love at first lick for those two, no problems there, though now they do disagree over bones every now and then, but don't all dogs?

As we arrived at the vets surgery, Jenny was a little scared, as were both my dad and me. We were greeted at the counter by our vet. He ushered us into a room and we popped her onto the table. The vet took one look at Jenny and looked at my dad and me with a look that could only be described as "you have to be kidding me".

He went to a draw and pulled out a dog breed book and opened up a page with a dog that looked just like Jenny and said "this is what your dog is, you do realize that she is an illegal breed?"

As he said this Jenny jumped at his face and licked his nose, at this he said "or maybe she is a Mastiff X cattle dog" and winked. So we got our paper work for her that stated that she was a Mastiff X cattle dog. She got her needles (which she wasn't too happy about) and we took her home.

I got jenny when i was 18, she is now nearly 3 years old, she is a little too smart for my comfort, but I wouldn't have her any other way.

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