JUNE BUG--One Lucky and Now Lazy Pit

by Christine Jenkins
(Mesquite Texas)

She is almost a year old. We got her from my nephew. He lived in an apartment that would not let him keep pit bulls.

He knows what a dog lover I am. I could not let him take her to the pound because I knew what they would do to her. I said I would find a home for her so I did.

My husband had a friend whose mom would love her. But I overheard him make a comment that she would be left in a back yard and would never be talked to. So I made him bring her back.

Then she had got parvo. So I took her the vet and my vet said she might live if she had someone to take good care of her give her her meds and a whole lot of love (TLC).

SO GUESS WHAT--THAT WAS ME! I love this dog so much. I think that God knew I would not let her down because last year my dog Harley D was stolen from me. He was a poodle/mix (what a diff). I had him 11 years and I missed him so much that I think that God knew I needed June Bug as much as she needed me.

So to make this long story short, she is healthy and very strong and a very spoiled dog. I was always so scared of pit bulls. But she has proved me very wrong. I love her so much I will never see pit bulls the same as I once had. They need love too.

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Jun 09, 2012
She's beautiful
by: Anonymous

She's a beautiful baby girl - I have a male now but had a loving female like June Bug....they absolutely the ultimate in companions...love them to death....

Blame the owners for bad dogs, not the breed

Jun 09, 2012
Pit bull on satin sheets :)
by: Gale

She certainly does appear to be spoiled. Thanks for sharing your precious girl.

Jun 09, 2012
June bug
by: Janet Westendorf

She is beautiful

Jun 09, 2012
by: Anonymous

So cute!!

Jun 10, 2012
Big big hearts.
by: Anonymous

Not only do pit bulls deserve love, they really ARE love. Love them and they give it back and then some. I have never known a more loving, cuddly, devoted animal. I wish you a long peaceful life with your fur friend. :)

Jul 13, 2023
me to
by: nolynn walker

my dog's name is June Bug she is a nice pit bull and not vishes If you are a hater then leave now if anybody is to blame its the pepole they are harmless so leave my dogs alone I hate the way pepole when we are walking they go on the opposite side if you do that you are the bad guy I say pit bull so back off pepole are bad

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