
by Jessica D
(Cottontown, TN, USA)

Kalua after bathtime

Kalua after bathtime

This is Kalua. She just turned 1 yr old May 28th this year. I found her on an internet ad, someone had a litter of pups that the mom was trying to kill.

She was only 2 weeks old, and was having to be bottle fed due to mom's neglect. She was soo tiny she would fit in the palm of my hand.

I was also told her coat is really rare, she is a reverse blue brindle. The champagne in her coat dominates the blue, and i haven't seen another one like her.

She is a survivor. Not only did mom almost kill her, but she got parvo at 7 weeks. We were told her chances were slim, and we were so close to putting her down.

We decided to put her thru treatment, as we felt that she deserved a chance to fight, and we got lucky and she made it. She's been healthy ever since then, and so very loyal.

She plays ball in the yard with my children, is very social with our other dog Zeus, and just loves any kind of athletic play time. She's a one-in-a -million type girl and we love her as a 4th child.

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