Katie the Black Lab/Pit Bull Mix!

by Emma
(Minneapolis, Minnesota)

Katie staring at pizza!!

Katie staring at pizza!!

My family fostered and then adopted a cute sweet black lab/pit bull mix about 2 years ago! Her name is Katie!

We fostered her for 3 months before we decided to adopt her! My mom told us she would get adopted after 3 WEEKS because she was SOOO cute! 3 months later...we adopt her!

I don't know what our lives would be like without Katie! She LOVES our 13 year old Golden Retriever, Spencer. She also loves the lake! She acts like a mean bully and growls at you when you're far away, but when you get closer she surrenders and tries to hide.

She welcomes any dog we dog sit to our home. She has a few cute things she does. When we throw a tennis ball in the water for Spencer and Katie, Spencer decides to stop half way, so Katie grabs the tennis ball and brings it back to Spencer for him to bring it to shore! Isn't that so cute?!

Also, lately our family has been puppy sitting, and Katie and Bo (the puppy) like to play hide and seek! Today, Katie hid behind a tree in our back yard, and Bo found her. Then she raced toward this small garden where there are a lot of weeds, and she hid behind the weeds. Then Bo found her. So she ran up onto the deck and hid behind a chair. Of course, Bo found her. This went on FOREVER! It was the most CUTEST thing in the world!! :) So please check out my pics of my dog, Katie. Thank you for reading this!! :)

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