Katrina -- The smile that melted my heart

by Debbie Harris
(Houston, Texas)



Katrina was a rescued Bully, who was being fostered by one of the great volunteers for S.A.F.E. House rescue in Houston. She had been apparently abandoned in a field (likely left to die) after a bad litter of pups caused her great medical damage.

She was captured, which must have been no easy task, given that she is terribly skittish and untrusting, and she was hurt. These fabulous people took her to a vet and got her back on the right track to good health. Then, they set about the task of finding her a good forever home.

She is very bright and learned her leash skills, and her manners very well. She was VERY playful for a dog already believed to be about 5 years old.

She has quite obviously been terribly abused in her earlier life, and she is afraid of most everything. She puts on her best dog act, barking and growling, but all the while, she's trying to find a place to hide.

I went to one of the adoption days at a local pet store, fully intending to get a small dog. I wanted a lap dog. I looked into the eyes of this sweet, gentle creature, and knew that the ONLY place she belonged was with me.

I have had two previous pit bulls, so I was lucky enough to pass the screening done by the rescue agency. Now she has a home where she is loved unconditionally and protected - and spoiled. She still barks and growls whenever startled, but the smile on her face when we play says all I need to know.

I've had her for 4 years now, and she will have a home with us until her very last moment on Earth. This is my precious little Fur Baby!

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