LiL' Miss Bonnie....

by taya

When I first met Bonnie, I knew she had to be saved. It was one evening in late February when her previous owner brought her into the local bar. He had her under his jacket, she was about 8 weeks at that time and all she had on was mardi gras beads,no collar or leash.

Without getting into specifics, his actions made everyone feel as if we needed to save her. He had no business owning a dog, he did not deserve her. After he left with her, we chased after him to see if we could buy the pup from him.

At first, he agreed to sell the little beauty, then changed his mind. We tried to talk him into it but were unsuccessful. Everyone was disappointed and felt helpless for babygirl.

A couple nights later, he came into the bar again. This time, he wanted to sell the pup. He did not remember that just the other night, we were chasing him down to buy the pup from him. He ended up selling babygirl to us way cheaper than what we wanted to give him initially. :)

My friends took her home that night. i was ecstatic because now i knew she had a chance.

The next day, I made a point to go to Petsmart to get her some things. I phoned my friend to see what she needed, and he said, "a new home." He knew that she would grow rapidly and it wouldn't be fair to her since he lives in an apt, no yard. I went to pick her up right away and she's been with me since. Now I have a Bonnie to my Clyde (my boxer).

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