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Sep 03, 2010
pit bull + lurcher "great combo"
by: Anonymous

the best dogs in the world are pit bulls and lurchers, and if you are lucky enough to have a dog that is 50%pit and 50%lurcher then the rest of your days will be filled with joy, because you should end up with a dog that is very loyal very loving and fast,strong,funny and super freindly to all other dogs and people and small children,Just like my dog tanya, and lets be honest, no one can wind a dog up more than a child can, i wouldnt have any other breed if there are childen around. i have no idea why people think american pit bulls are nasty, coz i think they are one of the softest dogs around, its not there fault that they are so powerfull,its the owners who need to be trained how to lookafter and care for their dogs

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