Manny's World

by Robin
(Whitmore Lake, Michigan)

Manny and his kitty Piper

Manny and his kitty Piper

Manny will be be turning 4 on December 16th, He came to live with us when a mutual friend saw him being mistreated and took him away from his previous people. But being an 84 year old man at the time, he wasn't quite strong enough to wrangle a ( at the time) 6 month old wild child, so he told me I needed to take this "little puppy" and give him a home.

When I agreed little did I know a pit bull was about to enter our lives. We also share our home with 3 cats, only 2 of them are mine, the 3rd is Manny's own personal pet. He took her away from me right after we rescued her from a drain pipe, took her to his crate and began washing her off, it's been love between the 2 of them ever since.

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