Comments for my buddy Raggs

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Aug 28, 2010
Love this web-site
by: Sheila

I found your web-site through Facebook and I was thrilled with all the beautiful Bullys that I have seen in here. There is alot of info. in here that I never knew about bullys.. great information/ videos / common knowledge about this breed. The sad thing here in Canada is that they are banned in most places, we had to register Raggs when the law can into effect. I was saddened when the law came into effect cause sooo many ppl who owned them were now having them put to sleep!!! How can a person who says they love their dog do this? I mean I have 4 dogs and they are like my children. Sometimes it is very frustrating knowing that most ppl don't understand bullys and how loveable they really are. Great Page !!!!

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