My name is Stinky...

by Darlene
(Trapper Creek, Alaska)

I was a gift to my "mom"..Her last dog went to doggie heaven,and she was all alone (well,she had a cat, yuck)..

When she got me,she was worried about my reputation, never having a "Pitty" before..She (being the wise woman she is) looked up everything she could find about me on the internet, and found out I could be her bestest friend in the whole world..We have been together now for over 2 years, and have become a team. You don't see one without the other.

I make her smile and laugh, she makes my tail wag, and I give her sloppy kisses..Now the cat is my personal play toy. He makes really funny noises when I put my feet on him, but he also kisses me and naps with me, and I get him wet with my kisses, but he likes it..

Now about my name....Mom knew I was coming to live with her, and thought a long time for a special name for me..When we got to my new home, my man said "here she is stinky" my mom laughed and kissed me and said welcome home Stinky..

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