My Pitbull Story

by Marie
(New York )

My name is Marie. Two years ago when I was 13 we got a free pitbull puppy. When we got him he was 2 months old and he was my dog. I walked him everyday. Everybody loved him he was sweet, gentle--he was the best dog.

Till one day I took him for a walk and we met a man whose pitbull was a fighting dog and was unleashed. His pitbull came running toward him and attacked my dog when my dog was only 4 months old.

After that my pitbull changed. He was aggressive with pitbulls and any other big dogs. Two months past again and that same dog attacked my dog again.

Since that my dad gave him away because he was aggressive now I'm 15 and I have 1 year without seeing him. But I still miss him he's the best dog I've ever had :(

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Aug 24, 2012
Very Sad
by: Anonymous

I was very upset to hear your story. I had a problem like that also. But my story is different because I still have my pit bull who is almost 7yrs old.

My Buddah got attacked when he was 4yrs old. He was attacked by a Great Pyrenees. They are very big dogs the size of a St Bernard. He knocked his owner down to the ground while she was walking him & he ran across the street & attacked my dog Buddah while I was walking him.

He had staples in his back, very bad bite wounds all over him. The police & dog warden did nothing. I was devastated. Buddah ended up ok. But ever since then he became very dog aggressive.

It is so hard to walk him he tries to go after every dog with full force & I have to hold him with all the strength I have which is very hard. But I would be lost without my dog.

Your father did the right thing because once they get older their strength is some times too much. I can't have anyone take care of him I have to do it all myself. Can't take him anywhere going to just the vet is a nightmare. Hopefully some day soon you can have another dog.

Aug 24, 2012
So sorry
by: Mary&Vida

Sorry you had lose your best friend, but why didn"t your father report this man? He wasn"t a good owner! Sorry again for your loss.

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