My roadside special Precious

by Alethea

I found Precious one morning while driving my youngest son to school. She was sitting on the side of the road and looked so sweet. We stopped and looked at her collar,had no tags but she just wagged her tail and smiled.

My sons school is about 3 min from where we were,I told him lets hurry get you to school. I walked her back off road and said stay I will be back. I didn't want to leave her but I also wasn't sure how she would react to going down the road. I couldn't take a chance with my youngest so in van.

I went back and she was still there. My house was just up the road so I called my oldest son had him run down the road and help me with her. I opened my van down and said "Come on baby you wanna go bye bye". She jumped in the van and I took her home.

I thought she might have just been lost. She was so sweet, had a collar and looked well fed. I called all local vets,shelters,went to fido finder printed posters. I tried for two weeks to find out if she was lost. I fell in love and decided to keep her.

I took her to the vet was told she was about 7 months old (that was back in Feb 2010). She had hook and round worms and was passing blood through her stool. I had them treat that and give her all her shots. She is now happy and healthy. She's been fixed,on heart worm preventative,flea pill and sleeps in a king sized bed.

I belive her funny thing is climbs up in your lap and lies down like she is a lap dog. She weighs 55lbs but she see my small chipin do it so she does. She loves to play catch and will bring the ball back to you but run when you try and get it.

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