My Two Big Babies, Babs and Max

by Roberta

pretty babies

pretty babies

(Click a thumbnail to see full size image.)

Babs, the black one was rescued by my husband in a busy city intersection, no one even stopping to help her.

My husband opened the car door and she jumped in. And he got out, called me and said he found a dog and he thinks it is a pitbull (before we knew anything about the breed of course). He brought her home and its been love ever since.

Max, the white one was rescued from a city high kill shelter. I saw him on the news. I called to keep checking on him and finally went down there to find all the puppies had been adopted. The others were saved by rescue groups. And no one seem to want a 2 yr old pitbull.

I took him to my daughter's where he stayed for a while, to get him and Babs use to each other--cause quite frankly she hated him!!! It took 3 months of walking them together every day before he could come home here. A year later she still looks at him sometimes like "oh god, your still here!!" But they are buddies. We walk everyday.

I wouldn't change a thing, I have learned how wonderful pitbulls are, and it is a breed that I will always have.

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