One month of raw food

by Leetah Jones
(Miami, OK)

When I first learned of the raw food diet I was so excited. I had been debating for a while on whether or not to try it since cats and dogs are carnivores and not omnivores and so I didn't want to feed them grains. I also knew that pet food wasn't the greatest thing to feed my dogs.

So I read more about it and decided to try it to see if it would be a good thing for my animals. They all took to it immediately, and at this time we had two growing puppies. The puppies had not been taking dog food well and after a week or so of raw food they were new pups. So much energy and so much healthier looking.

Maggie, their mom, did excellent as well. Her white coat was soft and shiny and she had more energy. The two cats did well on it also.

The puppies weren't house trained at this point and so my house stunk, but after raw food their BMs were solid and didn't smell at all. It was a lot harder to find the poop but my houses didn't stink anymore.

And any one with a cat knows that horrid litter box smell, I hate that smell. On a raw diet their BMs were solid, didn't smell and all I could smell was the "fresh" scent of the litter itself.

Needless to say I wanted to keep them all on it but it was too expensive at the time. But the change was amazing: healthy skin and coat, healthy white teeth, no smelly breath or poop, energy galore and so happy. Cats were the same way.

After I had to switch back to dog food so we could all eat the digression was fast and horrible. Their BMs were "ploppie" and smelly and poor Lupa, my fuzziest puppy, her hair became coarse and dingy. I cannot wait to make enough money to put my dog and cat back on raw diet. It is the healthiest thing I can think of.

I know what's going into their food, how much they will need to eat, and since they are carnivores it will be the healthiest diet for them. And there will be much more variety for my babies, I know I get bored eating the same thing and my poor animals do to.

If you're going to feed your dog a raw diet, remember never to cook the bones. I know some people are saying "I knew that" but some people think boiling is good to help get rid of germs and stuff. It isn't. Their digestive tracks are so different from ours and they can handle most of everything, and cooking bones for even a little bit makes them brittle and harmful.

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Jul 25, 2010
One month of raw food
by: Gale

Hi Leetah: Whenever I hear a story like yours that's so inspiring, I feel like I really want to try feeding raw food. But, I'm afraid of doing it wrong. I've found one book I like that doesn't make it sound too complex. Are there other books or resources you used to figure out what to feed?

Aug 01, 2010
Great for you!
by: Robyn

I'm sad you hear you had to switch back to "kibble" but I love that you knew to switch and will switch again!! My advice to you:

Invest in a huge freezer!! Craigslist and/or Freecyle, find yourself a large freezer and start stocking up on meat/organs!! Find a sale and you can skip some coffee that week, grab some $10 or so bucks in meat and throw it in the freezer. Just start stocking it up and eventually you can just start feeding raw again and continue with every so often buying meat and keep adding to your collection!

Also, check for local meat markets, ethnic markets (ethnic markets are amazing, all those crazy cuts of meat and CHEAP!) also look for hunters!! Trust me, you'd be amazed at what you'll find ;)

I've been feeding raw for about 3 months, unfortunately my cat wont switch 100%, but even here and there I see a difference, so maybe if you can't do what I suggested above, you can feed raw once a week?

Good luck!! =)

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