Our New Girl Mollie!

by Cindy
(Los Angeles)

It was 8 months since we lost our old girl Luna to kidney failure. Our pitbull mix Gracie would cry like a baby when she heard or saw another dog. We thought well, lets take a look at the shelter. We went, we visited, no one was really into us, just enjoying their time in the play yard. Some too big, some too small etc.

We went for a couple of weeks and looking to get a male. But I decided to go look at the girls. I walked down the aisles and in one cage there were 4 or 5 younger dogs. One came up to me, cute as a button, licked through the cage and had dreamy intelligent eyes. I pet her for a few then moved on.

Visited a few other dogs, took them to the play yard then went back to "her"! We took her to the play yard and she was all over us. My fiancee is in a wheelchair and she plopped down on the tire next to him and played with a toy they gave her. She kissed and played and I noticed she had no card with her availability. I asked and they said, she is available , the paper should be there. Then I knew for sure we were hers!

Her name is Mollie and she is as smart as she can be. Maybe too smart but we are just in love and so is Gracie! Oh sure they had the usual fussy meeting in a neutral place but got over it in minutes and we all went back to the house. This was 5 months ago and we wouldn't trade her for the world!

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Sep 18, 2012
by: Anonymous

Sweet story. :) Thanks for sharing it. Best of luck to you and to your little girl.

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