My Life With Pit Bulls
What's a Nice Girl Like You Doing With a Dog Like That?
Gale with Blanca, white pitbull puppy - 1999
Its not often that you find a job that introduces you to the
two greatest loves of your life. I didnt have any
particular interest in pit bulls when I went to work for the SPCA
of Texas.
And, after almost 20 years of being single, I had pretty much
given up on the idea of marriage. But, that was before I met
Blancaa white pit bull pup. Blanca changed everything.
The sign on her cage read "pit bull mix? 4 ½ mos., happy dog".
She didnt look that happy to me.
But, I cant say I blamed her--living in a stainless steel cage;
the air saturated with nose-scrubbing disinfectant and the howls
and meows of frightened souls.
Still, I must clarify for the record that it wasn't mere
sympathy that caused me to adopt Blanca. On any given day at
the shelter, there were well over 100 dogs and puppies; most with that beseeching "pick me please" look in
their eyes. I felt sorry for them all. But, I couldn't adopt them
Unlike most shelter dogs who rush the doors of their cages for
any scrap of human attention, Blanca was calm, serene, and even a
bit aloof. Looking at her in that setting was like gazing upon da
Vinci's Mona Lisa in the midst of a bar room brawl.
I sat down cross-legged on the floor. Opened her cage door and
patted the floor to coax her out. She took her old, sweet time
getting to me. Stretching her legs along the way as if to emphasize
how totally un-cool it was to be cooped up like that.
Finally, she stepped into my lap, sat down and leaned into me as
if to say, "I think were both a little tired of this place. Lets
go home." And, we did.
Blanca, 1 year old, posing for a SPCA newspaper ad
Photo by Anita K. Edson
That was quite a
few years ago. But, theres one more thing I should tell you about
our moment sitting on the floor together at the SPCA.
Looking back on it, it really may have been the ear thing that
clinched the deal.
While we were sitting there, a sudden noise caused Blanca to
prick up her ears. I looked down at her in time to see two
perfectly formed angel wings on either side of that bully
I swear! Just look at this pictureparticularly the ear on the
left. Tell me if you dont see it, and Ill eat a box of dog
In any case, I mentioned there were two great loves in this
story. And, the other is that it was through my love of pit
bulls that I met my husband, Alain. He is pictured here with
his purebred American Pit Bull Terrier, Pierre.
Alain and Pierre
When Pierre was a puppy, Blanca graciously tolerated his razor
sharp teeth and manic bursts of energy. Now, that hes grown; they
are best friends.
How do they get along? In the eight years they've known each other, they've had two spats. (How many married couples can say that?) One was
over a toy. The other was over a morsel of food the cat left in his bowl.
Bottom line. We manage the situation by being super careful not to leave toys or food around when we can't supervise them. And, we crate one of them when we are not at home. Otherwise, they have total access to the house and each other. These pit bulls are best buds
These two are part of our little family. And it breaks my heart that a law
could be passed that would prevent me from walking them in public
without a muzzle--even though they've never so much as nipped at
Worse yet, is the thought that if they ever accidentally got
loose, they might be put down by animal control only
because of their breed. This website is dedicated to
overcoming that kind of ignorance and prejudice.
In this pic (2006) Blanca is 7 years old and Gale is. . .well--never

As you can probably tell, I'm passionate about pit bulls. If you'd
like to know how I turned my passion into The Proper Pit Bull website,
click here
Check out these pit bulls for adoption!
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