Pitbull Pup - Sasha

by deron ross
(warren, ohio)

Sasha Posing--lol

Sasha Posing--lol

My pitbull's name is Sasha. She is a 7 month old...she is one dog that is so full of energy. Me and her do everything together she never leaves my side she stays with me where ever I go.

Even when I go to bed she's right there beside me. She usually snuggles up beside me then lays her head on my shoulder.

When I'm walking around the house she'll lay there on the floor all stretched out and turn her head sideways with her ears perked up and give me a sad puppy face until I give her a treat. ( I can't say no to the face lol).

She's always looking out for my family. She's one of the best dogs I've ever owned. She is so loving and caring. She's very protective of me and my wife and her little girl.

Everything is great about my dog I wouldn't give her up for anything....she gets so spoiled everyday....when I wake up she's already laying on her back for her morning belly rub lol. She is so spoiled I tell you.

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