Pitbulls Aren't Dangerous, People Are!

by Mia
(Birmingham, UK)

My little pitbull is the best friend I've ever had! He is brave, intuitive, loyal, emotionally perceptive, very good looking & has a brilliant sense of fun. (He honestly makes me laugh every day!) This is despite being a rescued dog and having had a horrific start in life. (He still bears the heavy physical scars).

Any dog can be made to be overly aggressive if they have a sad, deluded, or below average intelligence owner who thinks having an aggressive dog somehow makes them a 'bigger' person.

It is so unfortunate that these dogs are always targeted as rampaging 'devil dogs'. Why does the law not ever look at dog owners themselves? Why are they not ever penalized for abusing their animals, or gunned down in the street--as recently happened to a 'pitbull type' here in the UK?

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Mar 27, 2012
No dog will love you like a Bully does!
by: Nikita Benney

I live here in the UK as well and I have yet to meet an aggressive Pit Bull. I've worked in a rescue centre for almost 5 years now and have worked with dogs that have been abused and that would have every right to hate people, but none of them do.
I have seen their capasity to love despite being put through hell, the more that I work with them, the more I fall in love with them.
I adore this breed (and all other Bull Terrier breeds) so much that I am working towards opening my own rescue centre for them.

These dogs are nothing like the papers over here describe them. They call them 'killers' and 'devil dogs', they have already admitted that in many of the stories they report the dog was not even a Pit Bull, they just changed the breed because in their words 'Dog bites man doesn't sell papers, Pit Bull bites man does'.
Our government is currently looking at changing the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 which bans Pit Bulls in this country and are looking at legislation that focusses on the dog owners and dogs of any breed that act dangerously or attack members of the public, even on private property.
I am hoping that they will do this, the current legislation in this country does nothing but murder innocent dogs, break peoples hearts and tear families apart.

When my centre is up and running I'm hoping to take my dogs out into the community to dispell all of the myths and fear that surround them and to show people how amazing these dogs really are.
No other breed of dog will ever love you as much as a Bull Terrier and once you've known the love of these dogs theres no going back because they have a way of worming their way into your heart and staying there.

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