Polemics..let go and move into conscousness.

by AlchemyDevi

Hello, I have trained Pit Bulls for 15 years now. One of the oldest techniques in the world for unconscious non-compassionate communication, is using polemics and emotional stories to cultivate more hysteria to grandstand and propagate hate.

Pit Bulls do not "snap"...like some Dr Jekyll/Mr Hyde. They have the highest tolerance and threshold of any dog. And a bite, by any dog, the dog animal gives plenty of warning signs far beforehand. Human error is responsible.

Cars are extremely dangerous and kill more people than anyone or anything...but we let 16 year olds operate them because they make life easy to get around..are we gonna do away with cars. Men, when they "snap", have the power to kill women and children and they have since the beginning of time. Should we extinguish men too ?

PS Do not propagate fear and stereotyping and then use that fear and stereotype as your excuse to be a bully and create hate and blame...

Move into consciousness
PB's will forgive you...

There will always be tragedy..it is how we respond to it that counts...the best prevention is education. I hear you are scared. Let go of fear and open your heart. Make good choices. Have faith. Forgive and support others on the path who have good intentions.

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Oct 09, 2011
Here here! Love your post.
by: Stephanie

I loved it so much I shared it on my Facebook wall. Thank you!

Oct 09, 2011
by: Anonymous

Love love love this and think you should submit it to Newsday, Long Island. With the recent attacks here I am afraid to let my baby girl in the yard alone because people are just hunting for pits now. They said they shot at a dog that they believed was the dog! Can you imagine? What if they hit/killed the dog and it turned out to be another animal. People are so cruel and I would take my Coco-bear over most any human any day!

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