Raw feeders

by Gina L
(Brookfield, WI)

To jump in on this debate, the wife and I have spent the better part of 2 1/2 years researching the "perfect scientific diet" for our dogs. All dry dog foods are the same for the most part.

We moved to raw feeding and all 10 of our dogs seem to be 100 times healthier and more active than they were on the BEST of dry dog food. I will never go back to dry dog food for any reason.

And to correct a couple of points I've seen on these postings...dog food companies spend millions in advertising to get people to believe that their product is the most scientific and the best available for your dog. But, to date, I have yet to see any real proof of their claims. Other than the side of their bag that says so.

Their digestive systems are special....it's called being a carnivore. It means that they eat and process meat really well. Also, by feeding them the correct balance of meat, bone and organ we have eliminated the need for our dogs to have their teeth professionally cleaned to the tune of about $100.

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