Raw tooth, kibble teeth.

by Leah Kenny
(Maple Ridge, B.C, Canada)

All these pitty's are mine.

All these pitty's are mine.

I currently work at a Holistic Pet boutique. We carry high end dog and cat dry kibble and canned foods. Raw bones, and packaged raw food diet. Before this I worked at a doggy day care.

One day at the day care, I was throwing a ball for a group of dogs. Of course one ball and several dogs, only allows for there to be one winner. Two dogs jumping for the ball at the same time, collided in mid air. They hit their teeth together. One of the dogs was a 7 year old Golden retriever on raw diet. The other was a 2 year old chocolate lab, fed dry dog kibble.

Upon examination of the two canines, canines....the labs canine tooth was broken right off! Split down into the gums even. The retrievers canine tooth had not a scratch on it! Sounds to me like raw food keeps healthier teeth.

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