by Hillary
socialization training with other dogs
Romeo is about 2-3 years old and was found by a neighbor in the ghetto. She asked me to take him, so I did. He came to me with a very tight thick collar on and a cable that he had chewed through. Romeo was not neutered and tested Heartworm Positive. With the help from the local humane society, we got him treated for his heartworm and neutered, and 7 months later he is doing great and has tested Heartworm Negative. He's such a lover and always has to be on your lap or have his head on a pillow when he sleeps. He's a huge cuddler!! He gets along great with out 12 year old Cairn Terrier and has never met a stranger. He's great with kids and I think he would do very well as a therapy dog, our next goal. Your donation in any amount can help us reach out to more people who want to know the truth about pit bulls. Thank You for Your Support! Return to Pit Bull Homepage |
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