Roper.........the Agility Bully!

by Lorri Griffin
(Morriston, Fl)

Roper with her AKC Titles!

Roper with her AKC Titles!

Roper is now 4 1/2 years old. I rescued her at 5 weeks. She was infested with worms and knocking on deaths door. With a lot of care and my good vet, she pulled through.

I started taking Roper to puppy class at 12 weeks old to socialize her. She really needed it because she was timid and fearful of other dogs. She loved the end of class where they were able to run through tunnels and go over small jumps. Seeing her love for this, I switched her to Agility classes. She has been enrolled in classes ever since.

To this day, Roper has won 10 different titles in CPE, AKC and NADAC. She competed at the CPE Nationals this year and won a 1st, 2nd and two 4th places. She is now competing at the Excellent level in AKC and doing well.

I love competing with a Bully among all the Border collies and other popular herding breeds. Roper loves everyone, human or dog and has done well representing the Bully breed.

She loves jumping, but is also the biggest couch potato I know. Her favorite position is four feet in the air. There is something about this dog.....she has a huge place in my heart and I cherish every minute we have together. I will always have a Bully by my side.

Our next step together is getting certified as a Therapy dog. Then she will come to work with me at the Cancer Center to visit with my patients.

Comments for Roper.........the Agility Bully!

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Jan 06, 2011
Hat's off to you and Roper!
by: Heidi

I LOVED this story! Thank you for saving another amazing bully, and more than anything, thank you for taking the time and effort necessary to give her a job, AND seeing to it that she is such an great breed ambassador! I'm, personally, very interested in your journey to become a therapy team. Willow, my Amstaff, and I are pet partners with the Delta Society, and I can't say enough about bully breeds and their incredible potential as therapy dogs. Please go down that road, and please keep us updated! It's tough, but it's worth it.

Jan 03, 2011
Roper update
by: Anonymous

Thanks for the positive comments on Roper. She just got back from a CPE agility show where she got three 1st places and a 2nd place. She is having so much fun doing agility. She also passed her Therapy dog certification and should start going to work with me soon. I just love how loyal and sweet the bullys are and hope that other people will see how great these dogs are.

Jan 02, 2011
by: Beth

Reading about Roper brought tears to my eyes, happy tears! How wonderful that you not only saved Roper but you've also got a Bully Ambassador! Cheers to you and Roper! All the best to you!!

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