Rukus - Red Nose American Pit Bull

by Kelly
(Harrisburg, PA)

Our baby Rukus

Our baby Rukus

Rukus is a 9 month old red nose American Pit Bull. We got Rukus when he was 6 weeks old. I wasn't really ready to get a dog but my kids kept bugging me. A friend of mine had a litter of puppies so we went to look at them.

When I saw Rukus I fell in love with him. We took him home that night and from there he has brought happiness and peace to our family. Our family is closer than ever. We do a lot with Rukus. We take him on walks, he goes swimming in the pool with us and he goes on outings with us.

Rukus is funny when he runs around the house like he's crazy!!! We have wooden floors so he's slippin' and slidin' everywhere!! Rukus is very kind, playful, and gentle. He is very protective of us and friendly with others including animals.

I am soooo happy we ended up getting Rukus. We love you Rukus!!! I wish Pit Bulls didn't have such a bad rap. They, just like any other dog can be fun & lovable.

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