Scooby the Cemetery-sent Angel

by Sweet Pea

I am a proud parent of a six year old American Staffodshire/pit mix.

I found my heaven sent brat in a cemetery; as I used to live across the street from one. He had been abandoned and entrapped in the grave yard for about a week from what I was told by neighbors... When I realized this I just had to go out and feed him because I didn't know how to get him out and I felt so bad.

I called the police so that they could rescue him but they came and did nothing. The morning after feeding him I decided to go out and check on him again. This time he found a bent and rusted open bar that he was able to squeeze through and followed me home. We've been a match made in heaven ever since.

I love my dog with all of my heart and I wouldn't trade him for the world. He is honestly the best thing to ever happen to me. Scooby was three when I found him, and I've had him for three years.

He is extremely greedy and spoiled but I blame myself, he also loves to open windows in the house to bark at other dogs walking by. When he gets yelled at he loves to look, turn his head and look away and tries to smooth his punishment over with a kiss.

He loves being where the action is so if I'm in a room with company and the door is closed he bumps into the door once to indicate that he wants to come in.

The funniest thing that he's ever done was ran out of the house and to the neighbors door when he knew he was going to receive a spanking, I laughed so hard I forgot that he was in trouble.

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Aug 24, 2012
Oh Please!
by: GlamMa

I am the proud grandma of one crazed & misguided young lady. I am happy that she has found the love of her life but... really, get a grip!

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