
by Louise
(Cape Town South Africa)

Shylo is about 9 months old, she found her way to our house after running away from her last owners. After advertising extensively and after 2 weeks she still was not claimed.

I was feeling very happy thinking that she would become a part of our family. She got on very well with my other dog and we all loved her. And then someone stopped me while we were walking one day and said she was their dog. So we said goodbye to Shylo, very sad and lots of tears!

A week later my doorbell rang and there was Shylo. Her last owner brought her back to me!!! We were so overjoyed! That was four months ago.

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Feb 06, 2012
Missing one picture?
by: Gale

Hi Louise: What a beautiful girl Shylo is. I can see why you fell in love with her. It looks as though you may have attempted to upload an additional picture that didn't make it. There was only the caption Christmas 2011 with no pic. Let me know if there's supposed to be another picture and I will email you instructions on how to get it to me. Thanks for sharing Shylo and her story.

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