Still a baby!

by jessica degraff
(Niles, MI)

My Libby Lou is about 10 yrs old....I got her when I was a mail carrier. The people brought her home at about 5 wks old and left her outside in the fall weather, rain, hail, cold...and it was my goal to get her and love her.

After about 6 months of patience and feeding her treats everyday, I got the chance to talk to the kids of the house and tell them I wanted her. The owner called that night and asked me to come get her in 15 minutes, so I did.

By this time she had demodex mange and I spend hundreds of dollars rehabbing her, but she was worth it. Now 10 yrs later, she is the most obedient, loving dog I have ever owned. She lives very happily with 3 cats and two other dogs, but her buddy is Spike, a 13 yr old American Bulldog.

Libby just loves to lay in the sun and at night she sucks on her 'baby'. I'm sure due to being taken from momma too soon...but it is the most adorable thing to see this 'bully breed' being such a baby!

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