The Greek God of Civil Warfare- ARES

by Nichole M
(Sacramento, Ca, USA)

My angel

My angel

(Click a thumbnail to see full size image.)

Ares is 12 weeks old. He is AMAZING! He's such a smart pup. He sits, shakes, lays down, fetches, jumps, speaks, and goes to bed on command. =] He still tries to act hard headed but doesn't get away with it and caves because he hates when his mama is mad at him--haha--too cute.

He is the biggest cuddle bug EVER and I am completely in love with him haha. My boyfriend and I were hesitant on getting a pit but it was the best decision we have made. I baby sit children 24/7 and the pup is SOOOOO easy with them compared to how he plays with us. He's PERFECT =]

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